Unit Plan
Curated OER

Unit 2: Global to Local: Understanding My Place in the Hydrosphere

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
What does the ground around your home have to do with water pollution? Young ecologists learn about their local watershed and create their own cause-and-effect models of the hydrosphere.
Unit Plan


For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Take a little wade in the wetlands. A fun unit has pupils conduct a literature review to learn how climate change and human actions affect wetland ecosystems. They take a trip to a wetland, observe the fauna and flora, and then take and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Treasures in Jeopardy

For Teachers 6th - 8th
In small groups, middle schoolers research deep-sea coral reefs and design a poster to educate the public about their importance. They compare them to shallow-water reefs and consider the impact of bottom-trawl fishing. Many internet...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Fossil Fuels (Part III), The Geology of Coal

For Teachers 8th - 12th
Do not overlook this set of lessons just because your school does not have a data analysis system. There is plenty of material here to administer a complete mini unit on the formation, distribution, and properties of coal. Since it...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Animal Behavior

For Teachers 7th - 12th
Can you train a worm? Biology buffs will have a blast trying! Using planaria or earthworms, they introduce a certain stimulus repeatedly until the desired response happens more quickly. They also explore the response of their own eyes to...
Unit Plan
National Library of Medicine

Your Environment, Your Health: Chemicals in Your Home

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Many people know about chemical pollution, but are all chemicals bad? The third unit in a series of six addresses chemicals common in everyday life. Scholars learn about the chemicals found in their own homes, chemical safety, and...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Streetfilms' Moving Beyond the Automobile

For Teachers 7th - Higher Ed
This is an exceptional series that you can use in an environmental or engineering unit. There are four lessons: "Sustainable Transportation," "Designing for Safety," "Changing the Landscape," and "Engaging in Policy." Each lesson...
Unit Plan
National Library of Medicine

Your Environment, Your Health: Runoff, Impervious Surfaces, and Smart Development

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Can a sidewalk increase the amount of pollution in local streams? Scholars learn the answer to this question though research and experimentation in the fifth unit in the six-part series. Pupils study runoff, impervious surfaces, and the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Air Pollution: The Issue of Global Warming

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Here is an outstanding 10-page lesson plan on global warming. Learners discover that there is a lot of controversy surrounding this topic in that the science behind global warming is difficult to prove. The best thing about this plan is...
Lesson Plan
Global Oneness Project

Then and Now

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
The devastating changes happening to the Native American inhabitants of an island off the coast of Louisiana are the topic of an informational lesson. After scholars break into groups to explore particular topics, they come back together...
Unit Plan
Rural Science Education Program

Bees and Flowers – Partners in Pollination

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Why are bees so important? After several activities where kids investigate the form and function of flowers, they learn about the different types of bees and label them. They then examine pollen under a microscope and decide which bees...
Lesson Plan
Foundation for Water & Energy Education

How Can Work Be Done with Water Power? Activity A

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Environmentally friendly engineering teams construct a water wheel and experiment with its speed and the resulting amount of weight it can lift. Consider following this activity with two more of the same title by the same publisher when...
Lesson Plan
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Teachers' Guide to Using A Day In the Life of a Drop

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Hydrology hopefuls learn about their local watershed. Through discussion and online interactives, they see that their habits affect the water supply. The lesson plan concludes with a pledge to filter out bad water usage habits. It makes...
Unit Plan
Montana Natural History Center

Studying Grassland Ecosystems

For Teachers K - 5th Standards
At first glance, grassland ecosystems might seem dull and uninteresting, but once you start to explore it's amazing the things you'll find! Through this series of engaging lessons, activities, and experiments, elementary students examine...
Lesson Plan
Kenan Fellows

Farm to Fuel: The Alternative Fuels Industry

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Need a lesson to fuel young minds? A variety of hands-on activities is sure to get your class fired up! Beginning with an introductory slideshow and culminating with group presentations, the week-long unit has something for everyone....
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Pavement or Dirt?

For Teachers 8th - 10th
What are the pros and cons to having either permeable or impermeable materials for building? How do they affect the environment? Use this role-play and the extension activities to get your environmental scientists thinking about the...
Unit Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Ecology Tell It Again!™ Read-Aloud Anthology

For Teachers 3rd Standards
A read-aloud anthology provides informational texts about ecology to boost reading comprehension. Third-graders listen and discuss readings where they answer questions and focus on vocabulary. Pupils complete extension activities,...
Lesson Plan
California Academy of Science

Sustainable Food Solutions: Weighing the Pros and Cons

For Teachers 6th - 10th Standards
A growing demand for sustainable food systems comes from schools and even some cities. So what are some solutions? Scholars consider four different ways to approach sustainable food solutions and list the pros and cons of each. The fifth...
Lesson Plan
Dream of a Nation

Big6 Research Project

For Teachers 8th Standards
Do research projects at your school look like a class of eighth graders staring at a blank screen? Use the Big 6 research method to guide middle schoolers through the process of finding a topic, searching for and evaluating sources,...
Lesson Plan
Population Connection

Where Do We Grow from Here?

For Teachers 9th - Higher Ed Standards
Did you know that the population is expected to grow to 11 billion by 2100? The resource serves final installment in a six-part series on the global population and its effects. Scholars interpret data from the United Nations about the...
Lesson Plan
Theodore Roosevelt Association

Roosevelt's Legacy: Conservation

For Teachers 5th - 12th Standards
The legacy of Theodore Roosevelt carries through modern American politics, economics, foreign policy, and society. But his proudest and most profound efforts were in the world of conservation, and in preserving the natural beauty of...
Lesson Plan
Captain Planet Foundation

George Washington Carver and the Sweet Potato

For Teachers 1st
Learn about George Washington Carver's important contributions to agriculture by studying the sweet potato. First graders read about the inventor's observations and prepare sweet potato slips for the class garden. Additionally, they...
Lesson Plan
Captain Planet Foundation

Plant Parts Salad

For Teachers 1st
How are vegetables beneficial to a healthy diet? Have kids examine different types of vegetables, such as zucchini, broccoli, and carrots, and determine which parts of the plant they represent. Then, they taste the vegetables as a class....
Lesson Plan
Cornell University

Shedding a "Little" Light on Cancer Surgery

For Teachers 10th - 12th Standards
Many types of cancer treatments now depend on nanotechnology—a big "little" discovery. Scholars begin by removing "malignant" tissue from simulated brains, one using fluorescent markers thanks to nanotechnology and one without. This...