Lesson Plan
Macmillan Education


For Teachers 6th - Higher Ed Standards
Prepare pupils to communicate effectively throughout their lives with this set of worksheets and activities, which are part of a 23-lesson series on valuable life skills. Class members will define communication and cooperation, discuss...
Lesson Plan
Overcoming Obstacles

Listening Responsibly

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Responsible speaker + critical listener = effective communication is the equation at the heart of a responsible listening lesson about the power of words. Class members view the clip of the courtroom scene from the film A Few Good Men...
Unit Plan
Centre for Clinical Interventions

Social Skills Treatment Programme

For Teachers 3rd - 12th Standards
Even though they may not be tested on standardized assessments, social skills are vital for students to develop during their years in school. Through a series of discussions, activities, and role-playing exercises, these lessons teach...
Lesson Plan
Macmillan Education


For Teachers 6th - Higher Ed Standards
Learners develop self-awareness and discuss the importance of cooperation and communication through worksheets and hands-on, collaborative activities. 
Lesson Plan
Hawaiʻi State Department of Education

What’s My Vocabulary Word?

For Teachers 3rd
The elements of dance can be used to communicate thoughts and, in this case, words. In small groups, the class first creates a set of movements to show a single word. Then, they extend their movements to show a three-word phrase....
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

The Successful Student: Just Checking

For Teachers 6th - 8th
The final lesson in a skill-based series focuses on setting goals and making checklists. Class members discuss what it means to set realistic goals and practice making lists to manage their time effectively.
Lesson Plan
Macmillan Education


For Teachers 6th - 12th
Especially tricky for language is understanding the line between inappropriate, confrontational, (in)effective, (un)reasonable and diplomatic English. The activities in the resource permit class members to practice communicating using...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

Stressed Out Sally

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Life changes may cause stress. Here, scholars identify stressful situations in a peer's life and offer coping skills to make for a better day. A short story, "Stressed Out Sally," provides pupils with a look inside a bad day. After...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

Listening Exercise

For Teachers 10th Standards
Active listening is key to interacting with others in a way that shows respect. To develop their skill as listeners, high schoolers first play the "Telephone Game" to demonstrate some of the problems that arise in communication. Pairs...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

Dealing with Peer Influence: What Are Bullying and Harassment?

For Teachers 5th Standards
Scholars examine examples of peer pressure and discuss how specific actions negatively affect one's well-being. Learners gather in small groups to write two scenarios in which peer pressure is used. They reference the STAR method in how...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

Respect for Self and Others—Giving and Getting the Big R

For Teachers 7th Standards
Tween find out what it means to give and get respect. After reviewing the Recipe for Relationships studied in a previous lesson, groups create a dramatization of two-minute scenario in which an individual behaves inappropriately in a...
Lesson Plan
West Virginia Department of Education

Intelligence of Authentic Character - News Coverage and John Brown's Raid

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
The resource, a standalone, shows how news coverage of John Brown's Raid began when the event happened and how that reporting shaped perception in West Virginia history. The resource includes interesting anticipatory discussion...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

The Successful Student: Picturing the Successful Student

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Class groups brainstorm the characteristics that make up a successful student before taking part in a whole class discussion. Assigned group roles promote member participation.
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

What Are Bullying and Harassment? Part 2

For Teachers 4th Standards
After reviewing notes from the previous lessons, small groups obtain a scenario card that describes a situation in which bullying is happening. Peers discuss the event and brainstorm two solutions using the STAR method then present their...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Our Wonderful Stories: Lesson Plan 5

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
The fifth installment in a writing unit that culminates with a Hyperstudio illustrated group story project, this plan is ripe with ideas for ways to design group writing projects for elementary writers. Use the whole unit as a base from...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

Finding the Positive

For Teachers 5th Standards
To instill the importance of a positive classroom community small groups create a collage out of magazine clippings that highlight three characteristics of self-awareness. Written examples accompany the finished product. Groups turn in...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

Keep Finding the Positive

For Teachers 5th Standards
Group members take on roles to create a positive classroom community. Learners perform their role—leader, recorder, presenter, timekeeper, encourager, and collector—in preparation for a formal presentation of their positive thinking...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

Ingredients of a Relationship Recipe

For Teachers 6th Standards
An eye-catching hook makes a smart analogy between ingredients for a food recipe and ingredients for quality relationships. Scholars discuss and list qualities they feel contribute to positive interactions. Pupils create a recipe card...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Lesson Four: Comparatives and Superlatives

For Teachers 9th - Higher Ed
Put on your best smile, or a least a better one, for this lesson on superlatives and comparatives. English language learners first fill out a graphic organizer by finding other people in the class who are taller than they are, shorter...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

Conflict Mediation – Part 2: Practice

For Teachers 4th Standards
A instructional activity challenges scholars to prove their understanding of conflict mediation. Small groups role-play scenarios using two mediators and two disputants. Peers observe then discuss their findings. A worksheet outlines...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

My Conflict Shield

For Teachers 8th Standards
As an exercise in self-awareness and improvement, class members create a Conflict Shield listing 12 skills they believe are the most useful in conflict resolution. They then color the ones they have mastered while leaving uncolored those...
Lesson Plan
Missouri Department of Elementary

The Successful Student: Let’s Review for Better Achievement

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Study skills, time management skills, and test taking-skills are important attributes for both the classroom and the real world. Focus on these learning skills in a lesson that reviews how to be a good student and make better grades.
Lesson Plan
West Virginia Department of Education

The Debate - John Brown: Martyr or Madman?

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Did he die for a cause, or was he crazy? Although the resource discusses John Brown and West Virginia history, many historical figures have the same reputation. Teach learners about different perspectives and highlight the importance of...
Lesson Plan
West Virginia Department of Education

History Scene Investigators - John Brown's Raid

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
An informative resource covers the event of John Brown's Raid, an event that became an important part of West Virginia history. It serves as a standalone and covers the event and John Brown's life in depth using group work, online...

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