Beauty and Joy of Computing

Search Engines

For Students 9th - 12th
Which search engine is best? The last lab in a unit of five leads the class to investigate search engines. Working in groups, individuals read and discuss articles related to searching the Internet. Pupils develop suggestions that would...
Beauty and Joy of Computing


For Teachers 9th - 12th
Introduces the class to the idea of searching a list by building a script. Learners modify a guessing game script that will find a number in a list. 
Lesson Plan

Practice PT - Design a Digital Scene

For Teachers 9th - 12th
The final performance task for the unit requires class members to utilize what they have learned to create a personal digital scene. Groups work together to develop a scene and then, using top-down design, break the scene into manageable...
Lesson Plan

Creating Functions with Parameters

For Teachers 9th - 12th
The pupils practice modifying parameters in a function to add variations to their under the sea scene. The resource also introduces random number functions that alter the scene every time the program runs.
Lesson Plan

Functions and Top-Down Design

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Let me break it down for you! Introduce your class to a way of breaking up a complicated task into its component pieces. Individuals draw a complex figure using JavaScript and then break it down to help determine the functions needed in...
Lesson Plan

The Need for Programming Languages

For Teachers 9th - 12th
LEGO see if you can recreate my design. Individuals build an arrangement from LEGO blocks and write directions for someone else to follow in order to recreate the arrangement. Pairs then swap directions and try to replicate the original...
Lesson Plan

Algorithms Detour - Minimum Spanning Tree

For Teachers 9th - 12th
This optional lesson introduces the class to the idea of a minimum spanning tree. The activity focuses on determining an algorithm that will find the most efficient path in a network to transfer data. 
Lesson Plan

Looping and Random Numbers

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Repetition, repetition, repetition. Get your class to efficiently repeat a section of code over and over again by introducing looping. Class members learn looping to quickly recreate objects they want to appear more than once in their...
Lesson Plan

Creating Functions

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Quit repeating yourself ... you can make this simpler! Rather than repeating the same set of code over and over, class members learn to build and call functions in a series of challenges in App Lab. In the end, they combine functions to...
Lesson Plan

Creativity in Algorithms

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Groups work with the program they built in the previous lesson to make it more creative. The resource challenges pupils to add functionality to their existing programs by adding a new command.
Lesson Plan

The Need for Algorithms

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Pairs work through two scenarios that require them to generate an algorithm. The first activity requires pairs to define a common language to use; the second comes with the language. The pairs then must determine how to code the...
Lesson Plan

APIs and Using Functions with Parameters

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Introduce your class to the API, a reference guide that lists and explains the functionality of programming language. Using JavaScript, individuals draw complex designs that require additional commands and parameters defined in the API...
Lesson Plan

Using Simple Commands

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Turtles might be slow, but class will zoom by when your pupils build a program in which reptiles draw a grid. Using App Lab and JavaScript, class members build a program to find the most efficient way to draw an image of a three-by-three...
Lesson Plan

Text Compression

For Teachers 9th - 12th
The second lesson in a unit of 15 introduces pupils to text compression. The class begins with discussing how they already use text compression when sending text messages. Pairs learn more about the subject as they work to compress a...
Lesson Plan

Algorithms Detour - Shortest Path

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Young programmers investigate the Single Source Shortest Path problem by working in paris to devise their own algorithm. They then progress to using Dijkstra's Algorithm to solve the problem. 
Lesson Plan

Sending Binary Messages with the Internet Simulator

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Show your class how to develop a protocol to solve a problem. Pupils then continue with working with binary messages but refine a protocol to assist with the distinction of individual bits by including a bit rate. Finally, the pairs use...
Computer Science Field Guide

Computer Science Field Guide

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Imagine computer science all summed up in one book. This resource provides 16 chapters that cover many aspects of computer science, ranging from algorithms to software engineering. The e-book contains links to applets to help explain...
Lesson Plan

Encoding and Sending Formatted Text

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Introduce your class to encoding text. Pairs work together to create a protocol to send text prior to learning ASCII encoding. Groups then collaborate to send and translate ASCII codes creating a formatted text message. 
Computer Science Unplugged

Divide and Conquer—Santa’s Dirty Socks

For Teachers 4th - 12th Standards
The story "Santa's Dirty Socks" provides learners an example of a search algorithm that uses a divide and conquer system similar to a binary search algorithm. The included questions expand upon the concepts that follow the story.
Computer Science Unplugged

Tourist Town—Dominating Sets

For Teachers 2nd - 8th
As an introduction to using a network to determine the fewest number of nodes that meet a given condition, small groups work together to determine the fewest number of ice cream vans, and their locations, to be able to serve the people...
Computer Science Unplugged

The Poor Cartographer—Graph Coloring

For Teachers 2nd - 12th
Color the town red. Demonstrate the concept of graph theory with a task that involves determining the least number of colors needed to color a map so that neighboring countries are not represented by the same color. Pupils make...
Computer Science Unplugged

Ice Roads–Steiner Trees

For Teachers 4th - 12th
As an introduction to Steiner Trees, class members are challenged to find the shortest paths to connect multiple points. The teacher introduces the problem by showing how to connect three points. Groups then go outside and construct a...
Computer Science Unplugged

Battleships—Searching Algorithms

For Teachers 4th - 12th
How does a computer perform a search in order to find data? The lesson begins with a demonstration on finding one number out of 15. Pairs then play three games of Battleship by using different search techniques. The lesson plan finishes...
Computer Science Unplugged

Lightest and Heaviest—Sorting Algorithms

For Teachers 3rd - 12th Standards
How do computers sort data lists? Using eight unknown weights and a balance scale, groups determine the order of the weights from lightest to heaviest. A second worksheet provides the groups with other methods to order the weights. The...