Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 3: Unit 2, Lesson 10

For Teachers 10th Standards
What's the verdict? After finding sources and gathering information, scholars must now make a claim. Learners narrow their focus and refine their inquiry paths before analyzing the information and making a claim about their questioning....
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 3: Unit 2, Lesson 8

For Teachers 10th Standards
Take it one step at a time. Scholars use the steps learned in lessons three through five to guide their independent research. While using the steps, learners complete research tool organizers to record their thinking, sources, and...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 3: Unit 2, Lesson 11

For Teachers 10th Standards
It's time to prove it! Scholars now must ensure that all claims are based on evidence. Learners write detailed claims for each inquiry path using several evidence-based claims tools. At the end of the lesson plan, pupils respond to a...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 3: Unit 2, Lesson 12

For Teachers 10th Standards
Opposites attract. Scholars choose one of their claims from the previous lesson. They then must consider the opposite view of that claim and create a counterclaim, discussing it with classmates. To help guide the discussion, they use a...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 3: Unit 2, Lesson 13

For Teachers 10th Standards
Is that your final answer? As part of the last lesson, scholars finalize their research portfolios. They review all of their claim tools and gain the perspective of others as they discuss their work with a group. To finish, they write...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 4: Unit 1, Lesson 3

For Teachers 10th Standards
Are authors also designers? Scholars examine closely how E.B. White designs a section in Death of a Pig. They determine how the structure of sentences and paragraphs, the order of events, and the dialogue placement all contribute to the...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 4: Unit 1, Lesson 4

For Teachers 10th Standards
High schoolers read the final section of E. B. White’s Death of a Pig and examine the impact of the words and tone he used. In pairs, learners discuss their homework from the previous night, answer questions about the text, and write in...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 4: Unit 1, Lesson 2

For Teachers 10th Standards
Class members analyze the details of a section of E. B. White’s Death of a Pig to determine a central idea. Learners use turn-and-talk to discuss the details and ideas they identify. They then work in groups to annotate the text, respond...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 4: Unit 1, Lesson 5

For Teachers 10th Standards
Learners prepare for the end-of-unit task by evaluating previous homework and writing sentences with parallel structure and various phrases. Scholars do this by closely examining E.B. White's Death of a Pig. They examine the structure of...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 4: Unit 1, Lesson 6

For Teachers 10th Standards
It's time to tie it all together. Scholars reflect on the series' past five lessons about Death of the Pig. They examine how E.B. White develops a central idea throughout the essay before responding to a writing prompt.
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 4: Unit 1, Lesson 7

For Teachers 10th Standards
High school writers participate in peer review of their end-of-unit tasks. They begin by discussing their thought process in pairs and then editing their work. Finally, learners participate in a class discussion on the use of the...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 3: Unit 2, Lesson 1

For Teachers 10th Standards
Scholars work through an investigation process to narrow down a question to research. Learners begin by examining the research process, creating a portfolio, and vetting two or three possible topics. For extended work, they search for...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 3: Unit 2, Lesson 5

For Teachers 10th Standards
Have you ever argued for the sake of argument? Scholars dig into what makes a compelling argument. They learn to create evidence-based arguments using a teacher-led model. Once finished, they use an evidence-based checklist to guide...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 3: Unit 2, Lesson 9

For Teachers 10th Standards
Do you know what the plan is? Scholars are now ready to complete the final instructional activity of independent research before finalizing their plans. Ultimately, they turn in all research tool sheets and frames and organize their...
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 4: Unit 2, Lesson 7

For Teachers 10th Standards
One sentence, so much meaning. Scholars analyze a quote from Act 2.3 of Shakespeare's Macbeth and explore the plot in a jigsaw discussion.
Lesson Plan

Grade 10 ELA Module 4: Unit 2, Lesson 4

For Teachers 10th Standards
Ambition, murder, nontraditional gender roles ... some problems just can't be fixed in marriage counseling. Learners discuss the relationship between Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. As a culminating activity, pupils analyze how the characters'...

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