Lesson Plan


Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Sport lesson plan also includes:

From traditional sports like football and basketball to more unique or extreme sports like windsurfing, caving, or bungee jumping, your youngsters will surely get a thorough introduction to the world of sports with this lesson plan!

200 Views 129 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • After pupils have brainstormed the wide variety of sports that the lesson calls for, have them collaborate on a collective definition for the meaning of the word sports
Classroom Considerations
  • Accessing the materials will require a free online registration on the publisher's website
  • Several online interactive activities are provided; these can be assigned to learners in a 1:1 environment or played together as a class by projecting the images
  • All activities are linked under materials section of the lesson plan
  • Online games are engaging and informative
  • None