Lesson Plan

Scottsboro Boys and "To Kill a Mockingbird": Two Trials for the Common Core

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Here's a must-have resource for anyone reading To Kill A Mockingbird or using Harper Lee's award-winning novel in a classroom. The packet contains Miss Hollace Ransdall's first-hand, factual account of the trials of the Scottsboro Boys, the economic and social background of the case, as well as information about the two plaintiffs and their families. Worksheets draw comparisons between the trials of the Scottsboro defendants and Tom Robinson, the plaintiffs, and the closing statements of the two attorneys. 

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • To prepare for the activities, readers should review chapter 17-22 of the novel
  • All required materials are contained in the packet
  • Links are provided to an extensive list of additional background materials
  • Assessment strategies and extentions are also included
  • None