Lesson Plan

Crawly Composters

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Get your hands dirty with an interactive lesson plan that showcases the process of decomposing and returning nutrients back into the soil. After building a compost pile, pupils regularly observe the ways worms help with changes to the soil and predict what they will find next.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Post discussion questions on a classroom blog, and encourage learners to respond to at least one peer 
  • Give the cafeteria notice that your class requires food scraps so they can set extra food to the side 
  • Keep the compost heap going after the lesson concludes; visit it as a class or in small groups for any management needs 
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires continued observation over three months 
  • The tenth of 17 resources in a unit all about ecosystems 
  • The Coast Live Oak is a tree native to California 
  • Includes class members in building the compost pile 
  • Provides tips to make the heap less messy
  • Offers detailed steps that are easy to follow 
  • None