Study Guide

The River: Novel Study

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This The River: Novel Study study guide also includes:

Some experiences are worth living again. At least, that is how government researchers feel about Brian's survival experience in the woods. The River is a sequel to Brian's adventures in Hatchet. Scholars read about the troubles Brian and a psychologist have while reliving his past in the woods. The worksheet accompaniment includes completing sentences with vocabulary words, answering comprehension questions, and writing sentences using homonyms. 

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Invite a guest to speak about survival techniques if lost in the woods
Classroom Considerations
  • Includes only a preview of the full novel study and not the full text
  • Asks readers to use Internet or library resources
  • Instructs learners to complete a task in pairs or small groups
  • Contains a review portion of Hatchet, the first book in the series
  • Lists additional books by the author for those interested in the series
  • None